FAVR (Fixed And Variable Rate) Explained...
To learn more about how FAVR rates are calculated and more helpful information about FAVR, please follow this link: https://www.kliks.io/fixed-and-variable-...
Fri, 7 Jan, 2022 at 11:19 AM
FAVR: Why is the Standard Vehicle different than the vehicle I drive?
As part of your company's FAVR program implementation, it must adhere to the IRS FAVR guidelines. These guidelines require your employer to choose a sta...
Mon, 25 Apr, 2022 at 10:19 AM
Do I have to pay income taxes on FAVR reimbursements?
FAVR reimbursements are not subject to income tax unless a FAVR reimbursement exceeds the IRS CPM (cent per mile) safe harbor rate. For users who are out...
Tue, 4 Apr, 2023 at 1:43 PM
Driver requirements for FAVR compliance:
Congratulations, you're participating in one of the most equitable tax-free mileage reimbursement programs available!  It's important to understa...
Tue, 17 Jan, 2023 at 9:27 AM
Reasons a FAVR participant is "out of compliance." (insurance minimums, vehicle age & tax liability)
A FAVR participant can be out of compliance (OOC) for the following 2 reasons: 1. Vehicle Retention:  Part of your company's FAVR calculation is bas...
Tue, 17 Jan, 2023 at 9:15 AM
Will my FAVR rate respond to fluctuating fuel prices?
Yes, Kliks continually tracks average fuel prices by zip code, and calculates a 30-day rolling average of fuel prices. On a weekly basis (Saturdays), Kliks ...
Sun, 12 Feb, 2023 at 5:34 PM
What happens if I use the Kliks mobile app on more than one device?
Kliks is specifically designed to recognize duplicated trips, whether they be on two phones or the same phone. If you try to log the same trip twice, Kliks ...
Fri, 3 Feb, 2023 at 11:36 AM
Android Settings (Battery Optimization/Saver)
The majority of Android devices come with a pre-installed battery optimizer that oversees the device's applications to save battery power. However, this...
Sat, 1 Jul, 2023 at 11:34 AM
List of Insurance Companies Connected with Kliks
Kliks is connected to ~170 insurance companies. If you have auto insurance with one of these companies, Kliks can automatically retrieve your insurance decl...
Tue, 19 Mar, 2024 at 1:29 PM