Users may enter a manual trip on the Kliks mobile or web app. Kliks is integrated with Google Maps so most addresses will auto-complete as the user enters their trip information. Additionally, lat/long coordinates can be entered using the Decimal Degrees format; example: 36.10073318316628, -112.11261338529609

The following are some reasons why a user may have to enter a trip manually: 

  • Automatic trip recording was not turned on
  • Mobile device was not turned on
  • User was not logged into the Kliks mobile app
  • The Kliks mobile app was not granted permissions to Location Services

Note: Manual trips may only be created for a date and time that is in the past. A user may not enter a manual trip that has a future date or time since those trips have not occurred.

In the Kliks web application, when viewing the Trips page, you can identify which trips were manually created by looking at the GPS column. A red X will be displayed in this column for trips that were manually created: 

A GPS verified trip will have a green checkmark:


Create Manual Trip screens from each platform:

Related article: Can a user add a manual trip with dates that are from a prior payment period?

For more information: